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Get Thee Behind Me, Satan! - Pastor Stacey Shiflett

Writer's picture: Pastor ShiflettPastor Shiflett

Get Thee Behind Me, Satan

Mark 8:31-33


Intro: I started working on this message yesterday morning, and worked on it up until late last night. I worked on it all morning up until lunch. My phone started blowing up this afternoon of crazy stuff that is being said about me online. This message is not a response to any of that. This message was finished before any of that stuff was being posted about me. But incidentally, it does go along with my message. My heart’s desire tonight is to strengthen and reinforce the church. I know you are fighting the devil, and you are fighting compromise. I want this message to embolden you to continue.


A. The Truth that was Hurtful

·        31 And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.


This was not an easy message to hear.

Jesus began to teach them, and then the list of things He taught them was extremely painful to hear.

               1. That the Son of man must suffer many things – nobody wanted to hear that!

               2. And be rejected of the elders – after all He had done for the people??

               3. And be killed – for what? Why? How could this happen?

The injustice of it all. The insanity of it all.

The incredible sequence of events were overwhelming.

The prediction of Jesus Christ was unbearable and filled Peter with righteous indignation.

Notice Peter’s response.


B. The Trap that was Harmful

·        32 And Peter took him, and began to rebuke him.

The rebuke of Peter was harmful on a number of levels. Let’s put ourself in his place.


               1. Peter obviously loved Jesus and this teaching was painful for him.

Before we get too indignant of Peter’s rebuke, put yourself in His place.

Imagine if I stood up here in the pulpit and told you that I was going to walk outside after church.

And in the parking lot, there would be a group of people that were going to beat me up and carry me off in ropes.

And that they were going to murder me for no reason.

How many of you would say, “Whatever will be will be. It was nice knowing you, Pastor!”


               2. Peter also obviously didn’t understand the importance of these events.

Peter’s overwhelming mindset was this – I don’t understand!! There has to be another way!


               3. Jesus assessed the problem correctly in verse 33. – Peter was savouring the things of man.

Peter’s rebuke was 100% human and 100% emotional.

He wasn’t thinking about the impact his feelings and words would have on the eternity of millions of souls.

He wasn’t thinking about the dozens of Old Testament prophecies that foretold this very message.

He wasn’t thinking about why Jesus came in the first place.

His words were carnal, human and tunnel visioned.

Peter’s words were words of pain, indignation and believe it or not, love for Jesus.

But it was a trap.

Peter’s rebuke was much more dangerous than he could imagine.

Peter’s rebuke was far more sinister and far more significant than he could have ever realized.

It was also satanic.


C. The Tone that was “Hateful”

·        33 But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.


Some rebukes need to be answered with another rebuke.

Some comments need to be rebuked with a harsh and angry tone.

·        Proverbs 25:23 The north wind driveth away rain: so doth an angry countenance a backbiting tongue.


Peter’s rebuke was more than just Peter’s opinion.

Peter’s words were more than just Peter’s thoughts and words.

Peter’s rebuke was literally the voice of Satan in disguise.

Peter had no idea that at that moment, his thoughts and words were a tool of the devil.

Peter didn’t know it, but Jesus did – immediately.

Jesus recognized the voice, the tactics, the devices of the enemy.


Let me be clear – Jesus was not being hateful to Peter; He was being hateful to Satan.

Those standing around probably thought Jesus was being hateful, but his response was necessary.

Jesus saw THROUGH Peter’s words and immediately saw Satan’s wiles.

IN FACT, THESE WERE THE SAME WORDS HE SPOKE TO SATAN during the temptations in the wilderness.

Luke 4

·        7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

·        8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.


The response of the Lord Jesus Christ to Peter’s rebuke is instructive.

There are times when a response to a rebuke should reflect the seriousness of the rebuke.

The Lord’s response was not kind.

·        It was not friendly.

·        It was not courteous.

·        It was not understanding.

·        It was not tolerant and patient.

He did not give Peter the benefit of the doubt.


The Lord’s response and the tone of it was due to the gravity of the occasion.

This was too important of an issue to let it slide.

This was too critical of an occasion to sidestep.

There were too many ramifications; too much was at stake; it was far too serious of a matter to avoid.

The Lord did not entertain Peter’s perspective.

He didn’t ask him to elaborate on his position and make his case.

This was no time for diplomacy and bridge-building.


NOTE: Once you know God’s will, there’s no room for another person’s will; either yours or anybody else’s.

Anything or anyone that interferes with God’s perfect will for your life HAS TO GO!!


Put it out of your sight. Put it behind you.

Don’t look at it; don’t think about it; don’t listen to it; don’t tolerate it; don’t consider it.

Get in front of it! Immediately!


APPLICATION: There are times when we must respond to rebukes just as Jesus did in our text.

I have been accused of being mean, hateful and arrogant because I have responded to harmful rebukes with a “hateful” tone.

Jesus didn’t hate Peter; He hated what Peter was trying to get Him to do.


The situation at hand warranted a rebuke that may have been perceived as hateful or unkind.

It wasn’t, but it will be perceived as such by those that want to confuse and distort with their idea of Christianity.

They will turn the Beatitudes into a bludgeon and beat you to death with it.

Blessed are the meek. Blessed are the merciful.  Blessed are the peacemakers.

There are those that will quote scripture and wax eloquent in their attempt to silence your response to Satan!

There are far too many instances in the Bible where God’s people responded in a similar fashion.


I have no room in my life for anyone that tries to deter me from doing God’s will.

I have no desire to build relationships with people that are a tool of Satan or the voice of Satan.

I have no inclination to bear with those that are trying to get me to change directions.


NOTE: Jesus came to die; He was born to die. Peter was trying to get him to change His entire life’s mission.

To comply with Peter’s will would put Jesus in direct opposition to God’s will.

There will be people, sometimes even good people, that you need to look at and say GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN!!


I do not hate people; I hate what they are trying to get me to do.

·        Psalms 101:3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

My response to those that are rebuking me is GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN!!


My response is GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN to those that try to get me to…

I. Normalize our Society

Wrong is now right and right is now wrong.

Normal is evil and perverted is normalized.

Any preacher trying to win this world by legitimizing and normalizing abominable conduct is just dead wrong.

I’m tired of being told that I am alienating the unsaved because I take such a hard stand on sin.

This world has lost its mind.

·        There’s nothing normal about a man trying to be a woman.

·        There’s nothing normal about a woman trying to be a man.

·        There’s nothing normal about mutilating children to help them fulfill their unnatural fantasies.

·        There’s nothing normal about letting your children go to drag queen story hour at the library.

·        There’s nothing normal about adults allowing kids to be in control.

·        There’s nothing normal about a man wanting to be controlled by a woman.

·        There’s nothing normal about masculine women and feminine men.

·        And there’s nothing normal about those that promote it and defend it.

·        There’s nothing normal about killing your unborn child.

·        This is unnatural and abnormal behavior.

I’m not going to stop saying it.

I’m not going to stop preaching it.

My response to those that try to get me to is GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN!


My response is GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN to those that try to get me to…

II. Fraternize with Sinners

The Bible is clear – Proverbs 23:20 Be not among winebibbers.

Jesus did not hang out with winebibbers; that is what they accused him of.

He explained that clearly in Matthew 11.

·        16 But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows,

·        17 And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.

·        18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil.

·        19 The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.


They accused Jesus of being a glutton and a winebibber. Why?

Because Moses in Deuteronomy 21:20, 21 said if a man was a glutton and a drunkard, he should be stoned to death.

Jesus would not and did not violate God’s word, and neither should we.

Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10:

·        20…and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.

·        21 Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils.


·        Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.


I don’t have to hang out with heathens to win them to Christ!


My response to those that try to get me not to is GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN!


My response is GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN that try to get me to…

III. Sympathize with Sex Offenders

My heart is broken for the victims of those that have been hurt and abused.

My heart aches for the families that have been affected by the crimes of predators and wicked men.

But this crowd that sympathizes with the pedophiles and perverts are out of their minds.

They try to guilt-trip me into restoring them to the pulpit.

They try to tell me that I’m not Christ-like because I don’t want them in the church, around our children.

When they rebuke me for my “lack of forgiveness,” my response is GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN!


I’m not sweeping it under the rug.

I’m not sending them down the road to do it again.

I’m not keeping it a secret “for the cause of Christ.”

I’m not shaming the victims and siding with the offenders.

I’m not listening to anyone that tells me that I’m wrong for not giving them another chance.

My response to that crowd is GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN!


My response is GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN to those that try to get me to…

IV. Apologize for Separation

The standards that my wife and I have now are the same standards we’ve had since we were children.

Having standards does not make you more spiritual, but it makes you more separated.

·        We live a certain way.

·        We dress a certain way.

·        We don’t watch and don’t listen to certain things.

·        We don’t go certain places.

·        We talked about it before we got married, and agreed to hold to them.

·        We taught them to our children, and now they are living by them.

·        We are not perfect, and our children are not perfect. Not even close.

They are convinced that those standards are biblical and right, and they have made them their own.

And if that bothers you, that is your problem.

I don’t have a bad attitude about our standards.

I don’t belittle others that don’t have our standards.

I have never mistreated anyone that doesn’t have our standards.

But I’m not going to apologize for having them. And promoting them, and preaching them.

I do, however, call out preachers that have dropped theirs while insisting that they haven’t.

Especially those that blame for having standards for why they dropped theirs. That’s hogwash.


I am not making any plans to change.

I don’t read books that try to get me to change.

I don’t follow people on social media that has changed.

I don’t listen to preachers that have changed.

I don’t have them in to preach in my church.

I’m not at all interested in changing or dropping my standards.

My response to those that try to get me to is GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN!


My response is GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN to those that try to get me to…

V. Modernize the Scriptures

I’m going on the record again tonight – I am not tossing out the King James Bible.

I’m not interested in anybody that rebukes me for using it.

You’re wasting your time, and mine.

I still get emails from pastors urging me to “reconsider” my choice of Bibles.

I don’t even read them. I scan it to see what it’s about, and I delete it.

That’s my way of saying GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN!


I’m not interested in listening to Mark Ward and his debate on the readability of the King James.

I was memorizing passages out of the Old Testament when I was 8 years old and I can still quote them.

·        I got saved out of a King James Bible.

·        I got called to preach out of the King James Bible.

·        I memorized hundreds of Bible verses out of the King James Bible.

·        I have been studying it diligently for over 40 years.

·        I have preached thousands and thousands of messages out of it.

·        I’ve personally witnessed thousands of souls come to Christ from the King James Bible.

·        I’ve watched God change lives from the pages of that book.


To try and get me to change Bibles at this juncture in my ministry is a complete waste of time.

You are embarrassing yourself and you’ve become a tool of Satan at this point.

I’m not interested in the “latest research” or the opinions of your experts and professors.

My response to you is an adamant and fierce, GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN!

I don’t care how much you flatter me or how nice you are about it – GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN!


My response is GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN to those that try to get me to…

VI. Stigmatize the Saints

It has become popular to attack any church or preacher that is still independent, fundamental and Baptist.

The hatred toward independent Baptist is unreal.

I’ve been begged and pleaded with for years to abandon that name.

Well, I am all three. I am independent, fundamental and Baptist.


These people online that constantly bash the IFB are blind to the error of so many others.

They are oblivious to the horrible damage from the charismatic cults.

They don’t say a word about the preachers pushing tongues and healing and losing your salvation.

They ignore the thousands of churches that are now hanging rainbow flags on the walls.

They don’t even mention the sodomite in the pulpits and the trans crowd hijacking churches everywhere.

They’ve got one axe to grind – and that is the most horrible, most disgusting group, most unredeemable people in the world – the IFB.

My response to them is GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN!


If you think I’m going to toss the saints of God aside just because you got hurt, you’re crazy.

I’m not going to stigmatize every church member and every pastor just because of the sins of some.

I’ve been hurt more by independent Baptist than most of the people I know.

I’ve been slandered, falsely accused, rejected, reviled, rebuked and reproached more by independent Baptist than every other group combined.

I’ve been mistreated, misunderstood, misrepresented and mistaken by independent Baptist my whole life.

Why? Because that’s my crowd!

I refuse to change labels and I refuse to stigmatize the thousands of precious saints of God that I know.

Let me tell you something.

I was led to Christ by independent, fundamental Baptists.

I was taught the scriptures by independent, fundamental Baptists.

Everything I know about God and Jesus and Christianity, I learned from independent, fundamental Baptists.

Every preacher friend I have is an independent, fundamental Baptist preacher.

Every good thing that has ever happened to me happened because of an independent Baptist.

In fact, I don’t have a single close preacher friend that is NOT an independent, Baptist preacher.

·        I don’t run with Methodists and Mormons.

·        I don’t preach with Presbyterians, Episcopalians and Lutherans.

·        I don’t preach meetings for Charismatics, Catholics or Calvinists.

·        I don’t fellowship with Church of Christ or Church of God.

I am an independent, fundamental, Bible-believing, sin-hating, fire-breathing, soulwinning, separated Baptist.

If you don’t like it, that sounds like a personal problem!

So, when this crowd starts bashing the “IFB”, even with all our issues, I say, GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN!


My response is GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN to those that try to get me to…

VII. Criticize the Soldiers

I’m sick and tired of these snotty-nosed soy boys making fun of older men of God.

These men have fought battles that you and I cannot begin to comprehend.

They have endured temptations, resisted evil, defended truth for decades.

They have fought compromise, preached the Book, stood for old-time religion, and they are warriors!

I Timothy 5

·        17 Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.

·        18 For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.


To take a statement or comment out of context and paint them as idiots is shameful.

These people that publicize this video clips and make preachers look like fools are scorners and mockers.

They are doing far more damage to the cause of Christ than the original comment or statement.

They take a dumb comment that was made in a room with a few hundred and show it to tens of thousands.

Do preachers say dumb things sometimes? Of course.

Do preachers say things they wish they hadn’t said? Of course.

And NFL quarterbacks throw interceptions.

And Aaron Judge strikes out. A lot!

And Shohei Otani hits batters with a pitch.

And professional basketball players miss free throws.


Why don’t these idiots make videos and compile all of Tom Brady’s interceptions and make money off it?

Why don’t they make videos of all the times he got sacked? Or threw an incomplete pass?

Because to do that would be stupid.

To judge a preacher’s entire lifetime of ministry for a few dumb comments is just as stupid.

·        James 3:1 says “…be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.”


I’ve said things I regret. It is inevitable when you preach behind a microphone three or four hours a week.

I said a lot of dumb stuff before livestreaming services became popular.

I’m glad that a lot of things I said as a young preacher didn’t go viral.

I’m glad that a lot of things I preached when I was stressed out or upset didn’t get outside the walls of the church.

I’m glad that some of my personal thoughts and carnal ramblings didn’t get a spotlight shone on them.


I’m tired of these people trying to intimidate and mock God’s men for being human.

We are all feeble and we are all human and we all make mistakes.

But to paint a man’s thirty- or forty-year ministry with a broad brush because of a few comments is ridiculous.


What would happen if we made a video highlighting all the dumb stuff that church members have said and done?


You know what I say to that crowd? GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN!

You’re not going to shut me up.

You’re not going to put a muzzle on me.

You’re not going to silence me.

If I say something that I regret, I’ll apologize for it and keep on preaching.

If something slips out that I could have said better or differently, I’ll own it, but I’m going to keep preaching!


Conclusion: Once you know God’s will, don’t let anyone talk you out of it. If they do, just look at them and say, “Get thee behind me, Satan!”

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